‘Tuck and roll, yo…’ Studio View.
‘Tuck and roll, yo. (Peter)’
Kate Howe, 2021, oil paint and oil pastel on canvas, 214 x 214 cm.
Collection: Erotics of Power, Painting.
“I can't paint a pretty picture, I have an abhorrence of beauty for beauty's sake. I thought about my friend, Peter. I thought about how much we'd been through together, our experiences skiing in dangerous places.
And so, I painted the darkness.
I thought I'd made a painting based on a person I know, but really I was painting the position I see him in clearly, one that is familiar to me, and to most of us. Willful. Misunderstood. Willfully Misunderstood. Powerful. Purposely dark. Quick to anger. Spectacular to love. Tender like a two-day-old snail shell. Always rolling between faces, restless to be seen, angry at needing to show anything in order to be seen.”